Visiting Sorors
The completion of a Membership Verification Form is required for all visiting sorors who would like to attend our chapter meetings. Please complete this form and email it to the Vice President at tacvicepresident1952@gmail.com. Details on the location and time of our meeting will be provided once membership has been verified.
**Please note that meetings are for members of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. only.
Prospective Members
We appreciate your heartfelt interest in gaining membership in our illustrious sorority. The Trenton Alumnae Chapter is not currently seeking new members. We recommend potential applicants regularly check our website regarding Membership Intake. In the meantime, if you would like information about becoming a member, please also visit our National Headquarters’ website.
We encourage you to review our events calendar for more information about our chapter’s activities in and around our service area. You may also follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.